Sittin' in the Chair...

We have lots of fun reading... and here are some of our favorites, along with a synopsis, a rating, and some other fun stuff (such as poetry and pictures and-)! Collected by Tiffani- Joi and Sierra. Enjoy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Count of Monte Cristo

My first post will be on the book I rate as a six star book! They would normally be rated as a five star book, but, just because this one is great it will be a SIX star book!

The Count of Monte Cristo is written by Alexandre Dumas. It is a tale of mystery, and intrigue, about a young man named Edmund Dante who is engaged to Mercedes, his "friend", if you will:). However, three of his friends are jealous, and will do absolutely anything to keep him from his plans. They each plan together, then break off into their own seperate worlds after they think they have Edmund out of the way. Unfortunately, they don't, and years later, Edmund comes back for his revenge as the count of Monte Cristo.

Written by~ Sierra
Rating: ******
Author: Alexandre Dumas
Number of Pages: 1, 467 (Don't let the size intimidate you)

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