Sittin' in the Chair...

We have lots of fun reading... and here are some of our favorites, along with a synopsis, a rating, and some other fun stuff (such as poetry and pictures and-)! Collected by Tiffani- Joi and Sierra. Enjoy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is about a young girl, namely Jane Eyre. She is an orphan, and no one likes her much... as a result, she is sent away to a young ladies boarding school, where she suffers many hardships, yet in all things remains sincere. She eventually falls in love with a wealthy gentleman, Mr. Rochester, but obstacle after obstacle gets in both of thier ways: money, age, etc. Finally on their wedding day, the worst blow of all strikes. Jane Eyre is full of much drama: fires, storms, attempted murder, and a mad wife in an attic- it sounds crazy, but it is definetely one of the best classics around.

Written by~ Sierra
Rating~ ******
Author~ Charlotte Bronte

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